Worksheet Elements
These are objects that can be drawn on a worksheet or a worksheet element container.
class Image : public WorksheetElement
Worksheet element to draw images.
The image can be added to
or toCartesianPlot
and is aligned relative to the specified position. The position can be either specified by providing the x- and y- coordinates in parent’s coordinate system, or by specifying one of the predefined position flags (HorizontalPosition
).Public Functions
virtual QIcon icon() const override
Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.
virtual void setParentGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem*) override
WorksheetElement::setParentGraphicsItem Sets the parent graphicsitem, needed for binding to coord.
- Parameters:
item – parent graphicsitem
virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override
Save as XML.
virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override
Load from XML.
virtual QIcon icon() const override
class InfoElement : public WorksheetElement
Marker which can highlight points of curves and show their values.
Public Functions
virtual void setParentGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *item) override
WorksheetElement::setParentGraphicsItem Sets the parent graphicsitem, needed for binding to coord.
- Parameters:
item – parent graphicsitem
virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override
Save as XML.
virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override
Load from XML.
XmlStreamReader supports errors as well as warnings. If only warnings (non-critical errors) occur, this function must return the reader at the end element corresponding to the current element at the time the function was called.
This function is normally intended to be called directly after the ctor. If you want to call load on an aspect that has been altered, you must make sure beforehand that it is in the same state as after creation, e.g., remove all its child aspects.
- Returns:
false on error
void addCurve(const XYCurve*, CustomPoint* = nullptr)
InfoElement::addCurve Adds a new markerpoint to the plot which is placed on the curve curve.
- Parameters:
curve – Curve on which the markerpoints sits
custompoint – Use existing point, if the project was loaded the custompoint can have different settings
void addCurvePath(const QString &curvePath, CustomPoint* = nullptr)
InfoElement::addCurvePath When loading infoelement from xml file, there is no information available, which curves are loaded. So only the path will be stored and after all curves where loaded the curves will be assigned to the InfoElement with the function assignCurve Assumption: if custompoint!=nullptr then the custompoint was already added to the InfoElement previously. Here only new created CustomPoints will be added to the InfoElement.
- Parameters:
curvePath – path from the curve
custompoint – adding already created custom point
bool assignCurve(const QVector<XYCurve*>&)
assignCurve Finds the curve with the path stored in the markerpoints and assigns the pointer to markerpoints
- Parameters:
curves –
- Returns:
true if all markerpoints are assigned with a curve, false if one or more markerpoints don’t have a curve assigned
virtual void setZValue(qreal) override
Set the z value of the m_title and the custompoints higher than the infoelement
- Parameters:
value –
int markerPointsCount() const
Returns the amount of markerpoints. Used in the InfoElementDock to fill listWidget.
MarkerPoints_T markerPointAt(int index) const
Returns the Markerpoint at index
. Used in the InfoElementDock to fill listWidget- Parameters:
index –
TextLabel::TextWrapper createTextLabelText()
create Text which will be shown in the TextLabel Called when:
The position of the infoelement was changed
a curve was removed
a curve was added
- Returns:
virtual QMenu *createContextMenu() override
Return a new context menu.
The caller takes ownership of the menu.
int currentIndex(double new_x, double *found_x = nullptr) const
InfoElement::currentValue Calculates the new x position from.
- Parameters:
new_x –
- Returns:
virtual void setVisible(bool on) override
Show/hide the element.
Public Slots
void labelPositionChanged(TextLabel::PositionWrapper)
Will be called, when the label changes his position
- Parameters:
position –
void pointPositionChanged(const PositionWrapper&)
Will be called, when the customPoint changes his position
- Parameters:
pos –
void childRemoved(const AbstractAspect *parent, const AbstractAspect *before, const AbstractAspect *child)
Delete child and remove from markerpoint list if it is a markerpoint. If it is a textlabel delete complete InfoElement
struct MarkerPoints_T
virtual void setParentGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *item) override
class TextLabel : public WorksheetElement
A label supporting rendering of HTML, Markdown and LaTeX formatted texts.
The label is aligned relative to the specified position. The position can be either specified by providing the x- and y- coordinates in parent’s coordinate system, or by specifying one of the predefined position flags (
).Public Functions
virtual QIcon icon() const override
Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.
virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override
Save as XML.
virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override
Load from XML.
struct GluePoint
virtual QIcon icon() const override