Plot Area Elements

These are non-plot objects that can be placed within a plot area.

class Axis : public WorksheetElement

Axis for a cartesian coordinate system.

Note, this class doesn’t define the acttualy coordinate system and the data range to be plotted - this is done in CartesianPlot. In this class only the properties and the drawing of the visual object “axis” is handled.

Public Functions

virtual QIcon icon() const override

Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.

virtual QMenu *createContextMenu() override

Return a new context menu.

The caller takes ownership of the menu.

virtual void setZValue(qreal) override

overrides the implementation in WorksheetElement and sets the z-value to the maximal possible, axes are drawn on top of all other object in the plot.

virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override

Save as XML.

virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override

Load from XML.

class CartesianPlotLegend : public WorksheetElement

Legend for the cartesian plot.

Public Functions

virtual QIcon icon() const override

Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.

virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override

Save as XML.

virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override

Load from XML.

virtual void setZValue(qreal) override

overrides the implementation in WorksheetElement and sets the z-value to the maximal possible, legends are drawn on top of all other object in the plot.

class CustomPoint : public WorksheetElement

This class implements a customizable a symbol that can be placed at a custom position on the plot to highlight certain aspects of the visualized data.

The custom position can be either specified by moving the point with the mouse or by providing the x- and y- coordinates manually. The coordinates can either be provided relatively to plot’s coordinate system or relatively to the global coordinate system of the plot (values in cm, (0,0) in the middle of the parent area).

Public Functions

virtual QIcon icon() const override

Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.

virtual QMenu *createContextMenu() override

Return a new context menu.

The caller takes ownership of the menu.

virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override

Save as XML.

virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override

Load from XML.

class ReferenceLine : public WorksheetElement

This class implements line that can be placed at a custom reference position on the plot to highlight certain aspects of the visualized data.

The custom position can be either specified by moving the line with the mouse or by manually providing the x- or y- coordinate for the vertical or horizontal orientations, respectively. The coordinates are provided relatively to plot’s coordinate system.

Public Functions

virtual QIcon icon() const override

Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.

virtual QMenu *createContextMenu() override

Return a new context menu.

The caller takes ownership of the menu.

virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override

Save as XML.

virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override

Load from XML.

class ReferenceRange : public WorksheetElement

This class implements a rectangular that can be placed at a custom reference position on the plot to highlight certain range of the visualized data.

The custom position can be either specified by moving the line with the mouse or by manually providing the start and end values for x or y for the vertical or horizontal orientations, respectively. The coordinates are provided relatively to plot’s coordinate system.

Public Functions

virtual QIcon icon() const override

Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer.

virtual QMenu *createContextMenu() override

Return a new context menu.

The caller takes ownership of the menu.

virtual void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const override

Save as XML.

virtual bool load(XmlStreamReader*, bool preview) override

Load from XML.