.. meta:: :description: A description of LabPlot's import and export functionality. :keywords: LabPlot, documentation, user manual, data analysis, data visualization, curve fitting, open source, free, help, learn, import, export, data, csv, ascii, SPSS, SAS, Stata, MATLAB, ODS, xlsx, HDF5, FITS, netCDF, ROOT, LTspice, Ngspice .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - LabPlot Team .. _import_export: Import and Export =================== A description of LabPlot's data analysis tools. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: :glob: import_export/import_export_files import_export/import_live_data import_export/import_export_sql import_export/import_export_labplot_origin import_export/import_export_export